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original image This image shows an exact snapshot of a complex system designed using ZMech.

To view this image in greater detail click here

To view a component state machine in greater detail click here

To view a detailed description of the high level comms state machine (MODE B) click here

annotated image This image is an annotated version of the above image. It has regions highlighted and labeled for the benefit of the user of this documentation.

Each highlighted region is a functional block. Some functional blocks contain one or more other fucntional blocks.

This diagram shows that, at the highest level, the system is made up of two CPU components and four SW (switch) components (two groups of two).

To view this image in greater detail click here

To view a detailed description of the high level comms state machine (MODE B) click here

Use this image as an index to this documentation, click on a functional block to see a description of that block

cpu1 cpu2 mode-a1 mode-b1 mode-a2 mode-b2 i2c1 i2c2 vclk1 vclk2 sw1 sw2 io1 io2 cpu1 cpu2