+ |
concatinate |
- |
strip |
* |
multiply |
/ |
divide |
% |
remainder |
| |
bit wise binary inclusive or |
& |
bit wise binary and |
^ |
bit wise binary exclusive or |
: |
format string |
> |
greater than |
< |
less than |
>= |
greater than or equal to |
<= |
less than or equal to |
== |
equal to |
!= |
not equal to |
= |
assign |
+= |
add and assign |
-= |
subtract and assign |
*= |
multiply and assign |
/= |
divide and assign |
%= |
remainder and assign |
|= |
bit wise binary 'inclusive or' and assign |
&= |
bit wise binary 'and' and assign |
^= |
bit wise binary 'exclusive or' and assign |
<< |
shift left |
>> |
shift right |
<<= |
shift left and assign |
>>= |
shift right and assign |
&& |
logical and (beware this is not an early out operator like the C equivalent) |
|| |
logical or (beware this is not an early out operator like the C equivalent) |
structure member dereference
array dereference,
structure member dereference
function parameter list delimiter,
expression delimiter