string comparison and manipulation functions are provided in the libraries


memset fill RAM with an 8 bit value
memcpy copy data from source RAM location to destination RAM location
memcpy_code copy data from source CODE location to destination RAM location
strcpy copy string from source RAM location to destination RAM location
strcpy_code copy string from source CODE location to destination RAM location
strncpy copy string from source RAM location to destination RAM location upto a specified maximum
strncpy_code copy string from source CODE location to destination RAM location upto a specified maximum
strlen find the length of a string held in RAM
strlen_code find the length of a string held in CODE memory
strcat append a source string held in RAM to a destination string also held in RAM.
strcat_code append a source string held in CODE memory to a destination string held in RAM.
strcmp compare two strings held in RAM
strcmp_code compare a string held in RAM with a string held in CODE memory
strncmp compare two strings held in RAM (upto a maximum length)
strncmp_code compare a string held in RAM with a string held in CODE memory (upto a maximum length)
stricmp compare two strings held in RAM ignoring differences in case
stricmp_code compare a string held in RAM with a string held in CODE memory ignoring differences in case
strnicmp compare two strings held in RAM ignoring differences in case (upto a maximum length)
strnicmp_code compare a string held in RAM with a string held in CODE memory ignoring differences in case (upto a maximum length)
strupper copy string from source RAM location to destination RAM location converting all lower case characters to upper case characters
strupper_code copy string from source CODE location to destination RAM location converting all lower case characters to upper case characters
strlower copy string from source RAM location to destination RAM location converting all upper case characters to lower case characters
strlower_code copy string from source CODE location to destination RAM location converting all upper case characters to lower case characters
strindex find the first occurence of a specific character in a string held in RAM
strrindex find the last occurence of a specific character in a string held in RAM