Multiplexed 8x8 LED array functions


Multiplexed 8x8 LED Array Description  
led_mux_init initialises the Multiplexed hardware and RAM buffers
led_mux_service this function must be called in intserv
led_mux_on Turn LED on
led_mux_off Turn LED off
led_mux_toggle Toggle LED (on goes to off, off goes to on)
led_mux_scroll_up Scroll displayed image up by one row
led_mux_scroll_down Scroll displayed image down by one row
led_mux_scroll_left Scroll displayed image left by one column
led_mux_scroll_right Scroll displayed image right by one column
led_mux_write_code Copy an image from program memory to the display (refresh buffer)
led_mux_clear Turn off all LEDs
led_mux_invert Invert all LEDs (on goes to off, off goes to on)