

Write 7 bit packed character to part of 14 bit instruction word held in code memory

Characters can be packed two to a code memory word if they are limited to 7 bits each. This function writes a character to a packed array of 7 bit characters held in the code memory.

The address of the start of the array is given by addr and is specified in words. The character within the array is given by indx and is specified in characters.

The address of an array is very simple to obtain and no special computation is required to account for the mixed use of instruction words and characters.


	const char data = "hello world"

	for j=0 while j<11 step j+=1 do

		FLASH_write_char(&data, j, 0'X')


FLASH_write_char(uint addr, uint indx, char val)




On entry:
addr is the base address of the character array held in the code memory of the PIC
indx is the index of the character stored in the array.
val is the 7 bit character to write into the array at position indx

see FLASH description for a more detailed description

On exit:
There is not return value