

This function completes the 10 bit asynchronous read of the selected analog channel.

This function is the third of three functions that must be used to perform the asynchronous equivalent of the synchronous ADC_read_10bit function.

See ADC_read_10bit for a more detailed discussion of reading the ADC as an 10 bit value.


ubyte ADC_read_10bit_nowait(ubyte channel_id)




On entry:
channel_id is the id of the analog channel to read. This corresponds to the PIC pin labelled ANj where channel_id is the index j and is in the range 0 to 7 (inclusive)
e.g.	if channel_id is 0 then pin AN0 (pin 2 of the 16f876) is read
	if channel_id is 4 then pin AN4 (pin 7 of the 16f876) is read

see ADC configuration for a more detailed description

On exit:
return most significant 10 bits of ADC
return immediately with 0 is the channel is invalid

Example of use


	while ADC_service_nowait() == 0 do
		task_wait 1

	val = ADC_read_10bit_nowait(bit_id)