Logical OR Operator

The || operator is a binary (infix) logical OR operator. This should not be confused with the | operator which is a bitwise OR operator. The || operator expects an integer right hand operand and an integer left hand operand. If either operand is a string, it will be automatically coerced to an integer before the OR operator is applied. Furthermore, each operand must be a boolean value where zero has the meaning false and non-zero has the meaning true.

Logical operators can only return 0 for false and 1 for true even though they accept non-zero for true.


Unlike the 'C' language logical || operator the XCASM logical || operator is not an early-out operator i.e. the || operator cannot be used as a guard in an expression



	<left_expr> || <right_expr>

<left_expr> and <right_expr> are refered to as the left and right operand respectively and may themselves be simple values or complex expressions.

	0 || 0					yields 0
	1 || 0					yields 1
	0 || 1					yields 1
	1 || 1					yields 1

	   0 ||  0				yields 0
	  -1 ||  0				yields 1
	   0 ||  1				yields 1
	 -15 || -17				yields 1

	0x1234 || 0x00F0			yields 1
	0x1234 || 0x00E0			yields 1

	(0x1204 == 0x0051) || 0x00F0		yields 0
	(0x1204 >  0x0051) || 0x00F0		yields 1